A visiting American dignitary was recently interviewed on the radio and indicated that he was leaving a government position. The announcer asked if he was going to retire.
The dignitary’s answer was that he was going to retire but he preferred the term “advance” – he said that he would be “advancing”.
What a fantastic term! It would be nice if this terminology were to become mainstream.
Another term I dislike is “retirement village”. As I have mentioned before, being retired is not a prerequisite to entering a retirement village. A person, or at least one of a couple, only has to have reached the age of 55 (in Victoria). I have always thought that it would be better to call them “community villages” or something similar.
© Peter Gauld LL.B.
Peter J. R. Gauld LL.B
Gauld & Co. Elder Law Solicitors
Suite 5, 1st Floor,
838 Glenferrie Road,
Hawthorn, Melbourne, Australia, 3122.
03 9024 3868
0401 230 711