Elder Law

Gauld & Co., Solicitors advise principally in relation to the needs of the older person and their families – particularly in the areas of Wills and estates, probate, granny flat agreements, powers of attorney and the recovery of assets for the victims of elder financial abuse.

Our fees


Note that for current fees in relation to Wills and powers of attorney – go to our Online Services page for current fees and other information – click here.


We do not base our fees on hourly rates (other than if the client requests it, and in other exceptional circumstances). Fixed fees will be applied wherever possible so as to give the client complete certainty about costs.

In other cases where fixed fees cannot be given we base of fees on the applicable court scale (litigation matters), or the Practitioner Remuneration Order in non-court matters (see below).

All fees inclusive of GST.

Powers of Attorney:
Power of Attorney – Enduring Financial/Legal/Guardianship (as of 1/09/2015 combined into the one document) Wills and powers of attorney – go to our Online Services page for current fees – click here
General Power of Attorney
Medical Power of Attorney
Enduring Financial/Legal/Guardianship and Medical powers – if done at the same time
Powers of Attorney and standard Will, one person – if done at the same time
Powers of attorney and standard Wills, husband and wife – if done at the same time
Will – standard
Wills – husband and wife type (“mirror image Wills”)
Wills – with more complex testamentary trusts, protective trusts, “mutual Wills”, life interests, etc – contact us
Standard conveyancing – purchase and sale $950 plus normal search/certificate fees
Survivorship application  $550 plus Pexa and Titles Office fees (under $100)
 Transmission applications  $650 plus Pexa and Titles Office fees (under $100)
Probate – application for grant of probate/letters of administration (estates up to $5 million).  (Note that this fee is for obtaining the grant of probate/letters of administration, not fees in relation to administration of the assets of the estate if that is required.) $1,800 plus normal Supreme Court fees (Advertising – $35.90; Application fee – based on gross value of Victorian assets – $514.40, for assets less than $500,000, ranging up to $16,803.60 for assets greater than $7,000,000) – see Supreme Court website for more detail.
Probate – administration of estate scale – PRO*
Probate (and other) – providing certified copies $25 (first; $5 each additional if done at same time)
Special Disability Trusts (eg. for disabled children – Commonwealth regulated) – in life, or testamentary (in a Will) $2,500

Litigation- Supreme Court/County Court/Magistrates’ Court/VCAT, etc:

All fees will be based on the application court scales – estimates will be given according to the nature of the matter involved

* The Practitioner Remuneration Order – the Law Institute of Victoria set scale of costs for non-litigious matters. A scale based on an item by item assessment of costs. An estimate of the range of likely costs will always be provided

Why Choose Us?
Dedicated practice

We are one of the few legal firms in Australia who advise in relation to granny flat agreements on a regular basis.


We make extensive use of technology to streamline document production. This significantly reduces the time we have to spend on drawing agreements.

Cost effective

Because of this experience in this area and our process efficiencies we can get matters finalised in a cost effective manner. Ask us about our fees.


The principal, Peter Gauld, has been practising as a Melbourne solicitor for over forty years.